Thursday, May 26, 2011

Looking Forward To The Future

I am finally getting back to blogging after a couple of months but in that time I have done quite a bit of stuff.  For all of you following my blog and wanting to know what has come of the baby plans, we have decided to take a break.  The doctor tried me on the Clomid one more time in March and it didn't not work at all.  The nurse called and said that the doctor would like to refer me to a fertility doctor to check out the different options available.  But when a fertility Dr. takes over that means crank out big $$$.  We are not ready to embark on that venture just yet, but after I finish school and get a good job, then we will check into that.  God has a plan for everything and whether I am ready or not he will provide for us.  So please be in prayer for me and David as we venture through this part of life. Thanks so much for the continued prayers.  WE LOVE YA'LL

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week 2 of New Medication

Ok so, I was told that the new medication, at a higher level, would cause nausea (it did), headaches (yes) and mood swings.  The mood swings were not bad at all just felt like everything had to be done my way..... but that didn't seem like a mood swing to me.  I also was told that depression would set in and to keep yourself going so that you don't end up sitting at the house and crying for no reason.  I have been going to the gym everyday and I think it helps with the frustration of everything going on right now.  I know that going through all of this will be worth it in the end.  I have been keeping up with everything on a calendar and so far I think that I have memorized the calendar and the days that I have to go and get blood work done.  I am looking to the future and wondering what God has in store for us and I know I am not supposed to worry , because God will provide for His children, but I think it is just human nature to worry.  I hope that we can hear good news from the doctor in the next couple of weeks, but I will keep everyone posted.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day at the Ainsworth House

Well to start off ....I think that Valentine's Day was made to boost the economy.  We used to celebrate Valentine's when we were dating but that is in the past.  I feel that if we have a joint account and he buys me flowers (which will die) and chocolates ( which I def don not need) then I am actually buying them for myself.  So we just usually go to the Rodeo and that's it.  I mean it's not that I don't like the gifts but I feel that you should not love someone on this day more than any other day of the year.  This year we are going to the Rodeo with Wesley and Ashely and then I am calling it a night and getting in the bed.  I hope that everyone has a safe and happy Valentine's.

Our Journey of Starting a Family

This is going to be a weekly journal to let everyone (that cares) know the journey that we are taking in the process of having our first child.

Well to start the story off, I am going to let you all know why I am making a journal.  When I was in high school I was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and one of the numerous symptoms of this disorder is infertility.  I was not worried about all of that when I was in high school because I knew that I would worry about having children when I got older.  Well now that I am 27 and married it has come time to start the steps to having a "bundle of joy".  I went and discussed the different options with my doctor and she told me about some different medicaions that they have on the market to help with fertility.  When she told me about Clomid, the first question out of her mouth was " are ya'll both ready for this" and before I could think about it I had said "YES" in shear excitment.  When I got home I had discussed the whole plan to the hubby and he said " ok I guess we can only try". I started taking the Clomid 50mg and on the 21st day of my cycle I went to the lab at the doctor's office to get blood work done.  After a week of waiting, they called and said that they had found that I was not ovulating the way that I should have and I was very disappointed, to say the least.  And then in December I did the same routine and they tested and I had only got a 0.6 on a scale of 12.  So after discussing the results with the doctor, she wanted me to do one more month of the 50mg for January.  And like I thought, no luck.  I am starting this month with the 100mg Clomid to see if maybe we will have luck with the higher dosage.  But with all of this going on I am getting closer to finishing school and working so maybe we can get some good news soon.  I will keep ya'll updated with the things that are going on in my crazy and busy life.....but keep us in your prayers and we will let God take care of the rest.